Accompanying the transition to the Materials Matter system is an updated claims and labeling system that will support organizations communicating about the Materials Matter system and certification.
To support the development of the claims and labeling system, we are now requesting feedback from the public on the draft of the Materials Matter Claims and Labeling Policy. While there are aspects from TE-301-V1.3 Standards Claims Policy that will remain, the draft Materials Matter Claims and Labeling Policy reframes many concepts and brings in new elements for claims management that didn’t exist before (e.g., a centralized claims management system, sourcing claims, approval requirements for all claim types, etc.), all with the goal of creating a more robust and credible system that is simple for claim makers to work with.
Read the draft Materials Matter Claims and Labeling Policy here.
The draft Materials Matter Claims and Labeling Policy will be open for feedback from January 8, 2025, until March 10, 2025.
Any questions can be directed to